Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

his speech was very interesting to watch. The use of text on the power point at first was confusing but as the speech went on it was easier to watch and listen and the same time. Also the first part about the 3 arguments went too fast and was hard to comprehend. However the second segment was compelling and interesting because its talking about my generation. It is probably the first time I have heard someone talk about my generation in this kind of way and not saying that we are a bunch of hooligans. 
He talks about how we take music, pictures and videos through the use of technology and remix it to create something new. He gave three examples the first one being an anime singing the ma noma na  song, the second “Jesus” is dancing a bit flamboyantly singing I will Survive and the third, Bush and the VP singing a love song to each other; all were comical and took a lot of skill to make. He continued to talk about this new revival that my generation has come to create but of course, like in every other generation, the law steps in. There are copy right laws that are restricting the use of other people’s work with out the permission of the original creator to be prosecuted as a trespasser.  This has been taken to court but the legislation is too corrupt and too passive to make anything happen so it is easier for us to create new things out of the old. It will be too late before they realize that they were wrong.
  He closes with the thoughts that we are different from our parents. We create remixes where they made remixes on tapes, they watched tv and we make it.  Its very hard to summarize this speech because I couldn’t have said it any better than he did. Our generation is based around technology and creates so many opportunities but with the law its restricting our creativity to live and create.

dancing girls!

I redid this twice and it still came out small!